ICCFS Tournaments

What's New in ICCFS

Find out what's new in ICCFS Speech Events for 2021-22 (approx 5 min)  

Here's our ICCFS Director, Dede Ruff, talking about Online and In-Person Tournaments and how to make them a part of your chapter year (approx 5 min)


Why Tournaments?

Mission of ICCFS is to design training and practice-experiences to assist students in developing essential analytical and oratorical skills needed to become character-driven communicators and extraordinary leaders who impact culture.

This mission is accomplished by:

  • establishing mentoring communities to further develop ordinary students as extraordinary leaders.
  • implementing and maintaining safe practice environments for school-aged students 
  • designing events that correlate to ICC curriculum to provide additional coaching and practicing before presentations are taken into the community.
  • creating practice opportunities to develop and refine real-world skills.
  • providing motivation through a competitive structure that ties recognition and rewards to ICC curriculum.
  • Critical keys to developing integrity and preparing students for university, workplace, and life 
  • Tips on using the tool of script submission to mentor extraordinary leaders 
  • Personal coaching for Q&A on specific issues like these:
    • Crediting sources in oral and written communication 
    • Evaluating a reliable source 
    • Using digital sources properly 

What People Are Saying

"The highlight for me was observing the Speech-Story Adaptation. l was blown away by the standard and abilities of these talented teenagers. I was captivated by their outstanding works, their abilities to creatively modernise a literally work, retelling it in our Singaporean context...and most of all, delivering a relevant message for a contemporary audience in the limited time given. They were all so brilliant!"

 — Community Evaluator in Singapore


Click HERE to see ICC's Standard & Practices, in other words, the value we place on respect: 

  • respect for sources
  • respect for others
  • respect for authority
  • respect for the platform

Tournaments are the perfect place to practice these standards!

First-time Tournament Participants

Watch as Miguel tells what to expect when you attend a tournament.